Saturday, March 31, 2012


HAppy April fool everyone!!

firstly,thx beloved SEED helps me to change my blog's background..i like it very much especially the photo..its oso a new life for my blog i think..haha

time flys in a high speed..i cant believe its oredi four months adi in my form 4..
Well..exam's result is kanasai..n i have to work hard next time!!

i now is typing my blog post accompanying by Leslie Cheung's wonderful voice
although he had pass away for 9 years,his charming voice will never be forgotten

this year's April will be very busy..
7th April----our concert!!!!!!Carinoso Musica!!!
-let's join us in this excited a ticket to support us at Dewan Sri Penang..this journey will be start on 8.00p.m. we really need your support to see how we practice hard,juz to present a wonderful performence to you all guys..

22nd ---our school's pancaragam eh concert..
28th ---Jit Sin's concert..
29th ---Penang chung ling's concert too..

walao many concert held in April..busy die/
JIAYOU everyone!!

now..let's listen to Leslie chueng's song

ignored the old style mv..juz listen!!haha
enjoy urself..xoxo♥

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