Saturday, October 22, 2011

Solemn introduce

i love dearest sister(s) ^^
they accompany me when im down
with lots of joke...n make me smile
they  will always being crazy with me
no matter where we are
although always been black-listed by many restaurants
so what?? happiness overcomed us~

they three: gals who i dont want leave them in my life
we never wrangle (juz shoot among us oni)
for all are in the same one is the most friend or the most i hate

siao po #1: Seed

i love this,while this captured long long time ago
i know her when im just 7.
same class with me in standard one
the only 1 factor that unbelieveable is we make friends through our mum
now we 2 family are like combine into 1
my dad allow me to go her house often n her stuborn dad will not stopped her to hang out with me
almost lar^^
many new songs introduce from her..they will be always nice
she will always boom you with joke that she dono is funny enough
we 3 will always add in some 'special' boys into her makanan group
the group is full with member now i think~

siao po #2: Mei Xuan
os: she actually is not the image u see in the photo

well,she is pretty but crazy
you will found many interested things on her
such as: funny joke
she is thin..yet,she eat much
likes to come to my house just becoz of my 辛拉面 ==
now is out of stock..
i will call you if i buy wait patiently lar
 notwithstanding,she has a evil habit:
im so pity seed..i think her hand is almost maimed >,<

siao po #3: Ann Joe

what a Friday pose...haha

she..the eldest among 4 of us
however,she has the smallest size among us
i din say you short, juz small only

she is a serious girl
im not enough bravery to give her a great great boom
bcoz she will really think about it for long time
even we are just joke
i think now she is a bit relax
after her annoyed autograph..
some of bees getting closer to her again
this will be the things that always making trouble
nvm..we forget it
juz like how hold 住姐 said
they are all not fashion!

we hearten each other
we work hard together
we choked with laughter the often
we alive in the world with warmth and touch given by each other
we never say any touch words
but its always there
in our heart~

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