Sunday, May 27, 2012


Its holiday again,or it can oso sound as: its activity time again!
everythings go on,time flew,but why i cant control many of my things to go on?Bio paper is dead..R.I.P
Like people says: nvm lar..its already passed..haiz

Skip this & back to the topic-----//
yea..juz like what i type:every song has it story.mayb its fake,or mayb its real
Yet..the most happy is...v had found some songs suit us on a particular time or mood.

#1: 你爱上的我

*你爱过的他 是不是已经放下
每次这么想 咫尺就变成天涯
说真的 不是我不潇洒
是爱你很多 无法装伟大。**


*說再見 不難
就別問是誰 真心想說出來
像家人 像朋友 都只是欺瞞
當初多喜歡 只是


*雖然心裡還是爱 我選擇讓你離開


*怎麼才能讓我告訴你 我不願意 
我又怎麼告訴你 我還愛妳 


*看你不畏懼 一股傻勁 有時候多不忍心
夜裡無聲眼淚 驚天動地 我心疼你**


面對面該怎麼相處 才懂得區分
你是誰 曾是我一部分
卻不得不 開始各自的旅程**


All of this are the song which i want to introduce to u all..some are old n some are the new one,hope you all will like it..i know all of this is in the sad tone..but

to my friend who started to worry about me after seeing okay & fine enough..really n true! ;)

moreover,thx my reader for reading this long long post..xoxo
take care!


  1. i thought lala new song is bu neng.saw tiok u put bu nan,i was tneh.and the fan fan song nice n just heard last night.
