Tuesday, August 16, 2011

In a furry

im in a furry now..

feelings out of control

in some parts of my heart

In blood relation..

sumthing happen that i predict before..

i din hate you at all

but stop dreaming that i will recpect o sumore accept that guy..

i will NEVER do that !

In love..

im stupid..

dono how to make myself dun think about him

how can he so blur?

he dono wats my feeling at all..

well,for him..mayb im juz a simple dust

he cant see anymore

or mayb he is a bat

cant see cleary during day..

in this world,i decide to giv him a name:



*p.s.:my friends who noe who is that guy--pls shut up your mouth in skul or in public by discussing him with this name

i appreciate that i hv this blog

to help me vent all of my feelings..

The only one honest to me is my friends

Happiness overcomed me when i m with u all

thx for accompany n giving boom!

i love u all..

n all of my visiter n follwer too

such geli's word i can just say here

forgive me pls..

Without u all..

i dono how damn my life is

i dono how to survive in this world

i cant just like that kapten hassan

im the one who will believe whatever friends said--


pls dun try 2 tell lies to me..

if you are the one who like 2 cheat your friend..

my broom is ready to 'ask' you get out from me

n i will never say 'goodbye' to you

thats all for 2day

thx for spending time reading my post//

you can always leave a comment in that chatbox

i will reply you in at once when i see your comment

stay tuned..Bye~

1 comment:

  1. niiice blog! really love it ;)
