Sunday, January 15, 2012

Its enough

Pkk's duty yesterday..enjoy while its reali tired until will die.Yet,i never try this b4 n this is reali siok!!we separate the f1's activity they hv chosen..n ask them 2 draw lots if there was over 60 choosing that activity,some lucky n some of them hv to get their second choice..that day,i was enough shocked!!Chinese orchrestra were chosen by over 60!!wuhoo..i was damnly happy

---##### skip####---

i am now a siao po again..dono wat i hv 2 do..
still persist?? or giv up? embarasss larr!!!!
dono how to describe..
sumtimes u wan to get it very much in your hand..but it does not go on like u's so COMPLICATED n i could not hand on at all!!God??r u there??help me lar..
im so upset when u say:'dun care le la'..that means wat??
mayb u r right..if u oredi dun care,so i care for wat??
im juz pretending like a fool
forget it..n jia jia it din happened??im sorry,i cant do that
im going to be mad..reali can juz let it pass from my side??can I?
i dono y i will so angry when i found your wu suo wei..u cannot be like this la
The waiter...David...or Amstrong??
who is the one i really need?? are u really the one??
my thinking all stuck..LOL
i like the ending sentences---nobody's perfect.
i giv it a big big agree!!yes, nobody's perfect
so,if u really meet the one..while its not perfect..
its enough

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