Thursday, December 29, 2011

Busy life..Part 2

actually there was a long long activity for orchrestra after farewell party..but,i got a BAD news from my dad on that grandfather had passed away..OMG!!
Isn't he 23th still ok n can talk n laugh with us HAPPILY?i got shock...
when i saw him,lying on the tears came out automaticly,then out of control
everyone shout n try to wake him up..but v failed..TT
my ah ma cry every day during the funeral ceremony..can u imagin how sad was her?
my heart,hold tightly,when my grandfather was 'sleeping' in the coffin..before this,im the eldest grandchildren,so im the first one to wipe his body the LAST TIME..i try to be steady,coz tears cant drop on his body,even one drop..

every day,i tahan my tears to avoid it been dropped..but i always falied..especially i saw my dad being sad
it was such a long long skip n flash out all the sad mood!!


here cums the last day of the year of  2012..
HAPPY NEW YEAR guys!!!!!!!!!

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