Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Everything goes ON

in trouble this few day..
hurt myself during KH period.
that all his fault..
No matter how is going on in the future
i will also apprrciate
No matter what releationship we are in the future
i will also enjoy in it

There's still a lot of things
waiting for me and you
dun be stucked in any problem..
when get into the problem from
different side
different idea
different angle
different ways..
it will never be the same thing again♥

today's SCIENCE tuition
i learnt galaxy n stars
the more i see the picture
the more i blur
although the pictures are super power nice
i found that
we were only tiny
dont be ashamed that being a human
dont try to leave the world in the wrong time
dont do anything that will makes you regret
if you noe that it will..
then better dun do.♥

I will always believe that what you say to me
no matter its truth or just a joke
if i feel that you are serious..
then i will started to believe
i think this is also my shortcoming
naive in the better way
stupid in the worse word..♥

Regardless of what are you doing nw

time still go on

everything still goes on

that juz depand on you care it

or not~

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