Friday, June 17, 2011


Yesterday night,
i went to beloved seed's house to enjoy a great steamboat
although there was not so many food choices,im still enjoyin in..
im sorry that i din snap for any nice shot on that day and causes that cant sharing here..

Kay,let's start my journey now!
firstly,i went there after my tuition wlth my beloved friends,xuan and joe..
we were the first three ppl that reached her house..
i found that seed's house has some magic that i cant really describe..
that's really magic there causes me like to go her house..

Juz a little moment,
seed reached with ming,sing and ni..
we started play in seed's room
and it made my hands bocome red..

Then came a few boys
Actually im not so friends with them..
but i try to talk with them..
well..they are nice person..

my computer hving some problem now..
stay tune//

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