Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sorry..its juz wat i can say..

many memorise rush out..
there are u and me inside the image..
its our 12 years old school life..
since we are happy that year..
we play during music period..
during computer period..
u and me can sms to each other..
y our releationship now will became bad like this??
i really dont know what i can do..
i already say sorry to u for many times..
y u still cant forgive me???
the sms really is an accident..
its not sent by me..
its juz a practical joke..
its my friend send it to u..
i really dono my friend will send the stupid sms like this to u..
i juz know it after..
when i saw it in my SENT MESSAGE..
can u belive me??
i really hope that our releationship..
can return to what we have two years ago..
what i can say to u..
its juz sorry and sorry...
i hope u can c this after i post it..
then u can forgive me..
this is juz wat i want...

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