Saturday, December 1, 2012

Holiday sechedule part II

# hair trimming
# CO's practise
# dear marathon
# CO's genting competition
# Teeth's X-ray
# CO's camp
# undang's course
# dentist appointment
# CO's practise again
# performance for the new F1 student u see,4 of it had passed n now im going to tell you the story *suck opening lol

unluckily,i missed my marathon as my dad don't let mr go in sudden..>< but nvm as i still had my genting competition with all of my dear lovely CO rockteers!!

"北海钟灵中学:大合奏A队--荣誉金!! B队--金奖!!"

of course,we get oso other gold and gold with honour in other 齐奏赛..
i totally sream loudly in the ballroom as im too glad n touch with the result..this was my last chance to take part for the competition in genting n i wanna do the best! im happy that all of us show our cooperate in this competition..for me,this year of the genting competition is very special for me.beside of the last year of taking part,this is oso my second chance to conduct in the competition and i wanna thanks all of my small small junior whom in my team and practice well n 共进退 with me.and even Seed said ahe wanna cry when she heard the song we played but she shy as there were few boys standing bside her,hahaha..i really see they had put all of their hard work in this competition and they accept all of my comment while practicing and did well in the competition.,GOOD JOB ALL OF THE B TEAM CUTE CUTE JUNIORssss!!
the second good news: we get the gold with honour again!! this is a big big surprise for me as i dont think i did well in this time's competition in A the beginning,im worrying about we will get only gold bcoz i feel somthing goes wrong to us but fortunately this kind of worry didn't goes to the truth..the only 遗憾 is i lost my sound the next day as i screamed too kuat and i sing "oppa Chung Ling style" in a high leval of high mood..haha..the other one i earn is:i became more friend with hwei hua..we help each other and encourage together while we came from different school..congrates to her too as she oso get a fabulous result in the competition..gonna see her soon the day after tomorrow in the CO camp..

this time's special thing happened: ofi's bud get in trouble when the way we back..engine get into problem,walao that driver so crazy..bcoz of the cheap cheap bus,all of the Co members in the car had to change and sit with us..the only problem is there were too many percussion instrument had to move to our bus,and also 6 cello's together with their huat,we put the luggage in the bus corridor and also under our seat..few of us had to sit 3 person together in the two person's seats and even Jia Hoong sat on junior's luggage until it flatten haha..wat a reaponsible bus leader!on the way to the Tapah,we played "cheater" in the bus,is it call 苦中作乐?haha..beside that,we played a kind of card game which called 乌龟,Jiahoong so ‘luckily’ as he became the loser oftenly..that's all for the 小插曲 in the bus.

have to leave now,bye<3

currently fall in love to T.O.P!!he is too handsome and BigBang is so awesome to me!!n i love this song sooooo much