Friday, June 29, 2012

amazing life

i have to apologize at first as there was long long time to go that i din post anything here while there is just a little bit of followers or readers..but, WHO CARES?!

All right,im so busy this few days n actually this is just a reason for me.the truth is,im so lazy n lamnua..haha
July is coming,n my life start to be more amazing n i like it very least it is better than boring the whole day for mushroom to grow up.

So,let's have a report for the comming days..

Tomoro: the Family Days for teacher n parents
Yet,this may named as Students Hell Day.Luckily i din do any bad things in school..haha

1st of July: my first trip to go for Penang with a big big gang
I am surprised to myself that i will join a weird girl who dont like to go with many will be a great day for me..i hope.we are going to take part the moutain competition that i dont know the actual name actually.anyway,exercise it good wat!
Moreover,that two are also coming to my home to stay one night before the day since we have to gather at about 6am to go to Penang by bus.My house become homestay n i can confirm that will I have a good sleep,i think there will be chit-chatting non-stop at tomoro night..
A bit of worry to Seed,dono her dad will let her go or nt although she already paid for the fees..><

7th of July: Culture night
Just like normal,i have to join this..the most important event is.........AGM will be held that day too!!!What a sad case..
Just talk about this topic with Seed when we were having some drinks just now..i will cry that day,seriously..gosh. I DONT WANT U ALL LEAVE LARRR..although this will never happen

Drama's practice will be continue after this.i hope i can be high emotion and they really funny..more post about this will be coming.

i think is enough for today..bye!

Monday, June 4, 2012

